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posted by rick on February 29th, 2008 at 12:52AM

Not sure what the scope of this discussion is, or how much econ background you have, but modern banks really evolved away from being a secure storage of money a long time ago. What we have now is fractional-reserve banking, where banks don't ever have enough cash on hand to pay everyone who has an account. Instead they take the money to invest and to give out interest-generating loans. This won't change anytime soon, since we're accustomed to having bank accounts pay interest /to/ us, rather than paying administrative fees to the bank.

If you want something different for your money, perhaps you're looking for credit unions, but they're still a financial institution, although some put more emphasis on creating profit for customers as well as the institution itself.
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posted by dsk on February 29th, 2008 at 2:50AM

He might be looking for a safety-deposit box.

posted by Driusan on February 29th, 2008 at 7:13PM

With a debit card.