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posted by sleepy-sniper on July 10th, 2023 at 9:22PM

> Why the fuck would I punish his kid?

Because you said that you would.

> I'd kill BG and you, obviously, since both of you threaten to enslave and kill me - ie. you fags started it.

No. You started it by violating the Implicit Mutual Societal Agreement of Canada.
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posted by dennisn on July 10th, 2023 at 11:13PM

> Because you said that you would [hurt BG's kid[s]]


> You started it by violating the Implicit Mutual Societal Agreement of Canada

Aka. you don't know what an agreement/contract is, you're a retarded dictatorship-apologizing bitch. Does a slave violate his implicit social contract/agreement with the master who bought him and the community that benefits from his labor, turd? Did the Jews violate their impicit mutual social agreement with their fellow germans, when they kept trying to undermine that country, and refused to assimilate, etc? You. Are. Fucking. Dumb.

The way you still think you're in the right, for trying to enslave me, cuz of this invisible IMPLICIT agreement ... is so fucking psycho, you're lucky I don't take you seriously. You have no credibility. Grow the fuck up fag!

posted by sleepy-sniper on July 10th, 2023 at 11:29PM

Dennis Nezic: "I'd prevent you and Axolotl from breeding. I'd take Axolotl's kids away from him, and give them to willing moral parents." (https://thewaywardaxolotl....1419508930043940)

He loves his kids, and they love him too because he's a good father, and you would separate them from each other just because you hate his centrist political views?

> Does a slave violate his implicit social contract/agreement with the master who bought him and the community that benefits from his labor, turd?

From the perspective of the master, yes. Sometimes the slaves themselves would even pride themselves on how hard they work for their masters. Lots of times they would even develop mutual friendships and affections for each other. I am indifferent to the legality of slavery, but I do recognize that it doesn't make any economic sense in a modern, industrial economy (from the society's perspective), so I would be against it for that reason.

> Did the Jews violate their implicit mutual social agreement with their fellow germans, when they kept trying to undermine that country, and refused to assimilate, etc?

From the perspective of the Germans, yes. If you're going to argue form that POV, then maybe the Jews shouldn't have stabbed the Germans in the backs so hard.

> The way you still think you're in the right, for trying to enslave me, cuz of this invisible IMPLICIT agreement.

Freedom exists within a set of constraints. Like, what "freedoms" do you hope to gain from your hypothetical Ancap utopia? What would that even do for you? You'd probably spend as much money on protection as you do now, and you'd probably have less freedom since there would be no way to establish free markets without the State, and also because your lack of population control would increase the number of conflicts between you and your fellow citizens.

posted by dennisn on July 10th, 2023 at 11:34PM

"I'd prevent you and Axolotl from breeding. I'd take Axolotl's kids away from him, and give them to willing moral parents."

Oh yea. That was obviously a joke you cringe faggot. It's pointless arguing with you, you are the definition of a bad-faith argument.

On the other hand, you fags are deadly serious about preventing ancaps from seceding, or breeding freely, or occupying unowned land, etc.

Die faggots.

posted by sleepy-sniper on July 10th, 2023 at 11:39PM

> That was obviously a joke you cringe faggot

So was when BG said that he would nuke your imaginary city that will never exist :D

> You fags are deadly serious about preventing ancaps from seceding, or breeding freely, or occupying unowned land, etc.

It's for the greatest good. We're just trying to protect as many human rights as we can. It's probably the best trade-that could possibly be made, from a societal perspective.

> So was when BG said that he by dennisn on July 10th, 2023 at 11:44PM.
> I remember asking him specif by sleepy-sniper on July 10th, 2023 at 11:49PM.
> For fuck's sake, I'd let it by dennisn on July 10th, 2023 at 11:55PM.
> Why didn't you tell him he's by sleepy-sniper on July 11th, 2023 at 1:11AM
last edited July 11th, 2023 at 1:12AM.