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posted by dennisn on July 27th, 2023 at 10:22PM

> If [fighting is] costly, then why does it always happen?

It doesn't always happen - it's rare. How many times have you fought? How many times has anyone in your family, or anyone you know fought? It's a white pill how rare wars are - I'm still amazed that Canada hasn't been invaded. It's not even THAT costly.

> Ancaps don't understand game theory.

Projection. You've never read any texts on it, never studied it in school, and are too dumb to know it has roughly zero application in real life. It's sad how you think human behavior can be simply mathematically calculated. I think this is the main idea behind "Austrian Economics" - exposing the fraud that is "statist economics", which is just a thinly veiled cringe attempt to "mathematically prove" that slavery -statism is the "scientifically mathematically correct answer, sir, now where is my paycheque".

> It's truly ridiculous, crazy, and idiotic that you think you're not violating your kids consent by birthing

I already answered this. They choose / consent to life, and can opt-out whenever they want. Where is the violation? And, you do realize that "consent" with kids is tricky? Can kids consent to sex? To long-term debts? "You're such a monster" ... sigh, what a waste of time talking to you. You're dishonest.

> You can't accept human nature

I accept human nature. That's precisely why you should never tempt humans with ultimate corrupting centralized power.

> You think everybody will just get along with each other

Dishonest fag. Ancaps have discussed dispute resolution organizations a zillion times.

> You have to use force to make people cooperate.

Ancaps will use force when necessary, as per the terms of the contracts that are peacefully voluntarily opted into.

> Remember the Prisoner's Dilemma

There is no such dilemma irl, wrt ancap.
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posted by Dumb nigger on July 28th, 2023 at 2:43AM

You’re the actual retard, Dennis, for wasting every second of your life arguing with someone whose biology doesn’t permit that level of understanding or honesty. Abuse doesn’t break kids - they were born broken.
You think you’re making a noble difference in the world - you’re not. You’re simply talking to trash. I tried being civil and I tried being insulting and I saw that this pile of negro trash reacts the same way to both reason and trolling. He doesn’t understand anything. It’s like talking to a very underdeveloped AI.
Nigger, some of your brothers are moral and quiet intelligent. You just bring shame to everybody you know but you’re too handicapped to be aware of that lol.

This dude I know from Instagram. Yeah, even your retarded mainstream apps have some decent people. I might have been trolling you but I mean it when I say that you should kill yourself. You’re too pathetic to exist.

posted by dennisn on July 28th, 2023 at 9:48AM

> You’re the actual retard, Dennis, for wasting every second of your life arguing with someone whose biology doesn’t permit that level of understanding or honesty

Yes :|.

> Abuse doesn’t break kids - they were born broken.

Yes. Now I feel dumb for suggesting otherwise. Maybe his parents saw this shittiness/evil in him, and that's why they assaulted him.

> You think you’re making a noble difference in the world - you’re not.

True :|.

> I tried being civil and I tried being insulting and I saw that this pile of negro trash reacts the same way to both reason and trolling.

Yea I noticed this very early on too. Most (~all) questions are still unanswered. He's a very shitty AI.

> Nigger

I feel like he's asian? Asians seem to have some genetic propensity to be enslaved, to operate in massive dense ant-like bee-like colonies?