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posted by Ex-Ancap on July 4th, 2023 at 11:05PM
last edited July 5th, 2023 at 12:10AM

It's cool that you have this server all to yourself. If you had met me 3-4 years ago when I used to be a vegan and an ancap (long before I ever heard of BG), we truly would've been best friends.

Of course, I'm not Ancap or vegan anymore. That's why I wrote an essay about it (it's the longest webpage on the entire blog): https://zerocontradictions...ertarianism.html

But we still agree on a lot of things. I'm definitely far more libertarian than the average person:

And no, I'm never going to use my real name on the Internet. I have pages that promote things like race realism, and people that I know in real life would cancel-culture me and slander me for being "racist" if they knew what I believe. I've even had people tell me that I'm a white supremacist, even though I'm obviously not (I'm mixed-race). Although I'm only promoting the Truth, they're just going to ignore everything that I have to say.

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