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posted by Ex-Ancap on July 4th, 2023 at 10:57PM
last edited July 5th, 2023 at 12:00PM

When you first messaged ZC on Tox, we thought you were just going to spout a bunch of OATP nonsense, but apparently, you just had a bunch of questions because you don't understand how the system would work. Your questions were actually pretty thoughtful, aside from the excessive emotion embedded in them.

Thanks for sending your feedback. Here are our responses:

1. Whoever's willing to pay the highest amount of land value tax. Auctions, basically.

2. Auctions determine the tax rates, but if we need to conserve natural resources, the government may raise the price of natural resources. Alternatively, the government could slightly lower natural resources to boost economic growth during a recession. It is utterly unreasonable to allow mega-corporations to profit billions of dollars just because they claimed that land first under a finders’ keepers system. That is called rent-seeking, and it doesn’t contribute to economic growth at all. If anybody is going to be making billions of dollars off of selling coal, oil, iron, copper, cobalt, natural gas, etc, it better be the government so that everybody else can pay fewer taxes (and maybe receive some welfare in return).

3. Erhlich would've won the second bet, if he took up the offer. Go look it up.

4. Yeah, because why would we chastize BG for making a joke that was obviously satirical? Hahahaha! It's so funny how you were so offended by that line <3

5. This is addressed here: https://zerocontradictions...n-FAQs.html#LMPL.

6. This is addressed here: https://zerocontradictions...ds-justify-means, and here: https://zerocontradictions...y-of-enforcement

7. You're right, that's true. That is addressed here: https://zerocontradictions...wns-land-equally

8. Yes, Georgism applies vertically too in really densely populated cities. They are determined by market rates.

9. No, because he can have any many children as he wants, as long as he meets the requirements for a reproduction license: https://zerocontradictions...overpop-solution

10. No, that's addressed here:

And if land were empty, then why do people still seastead?: https://zerocontradictions...html#seasteading
Think about that for a moment.

11. That's addressed here: https://zerocontradictions...wns-land-equally

Sometime, we'll probably expand our FAQs page on Georgism to explain this in more detail.

12. No, that's not what we're promoting, unless you're deliberately trying to misinterpret what we're saying. It's not stealing either: https://zerocontradictions...on-is-inevitable

13. Prove that Georgism enables rent-seeking.

14. You're not going to get population control unless there's a fixed supply of reproduction licenses. And no, we don't want top-down eugenics. That's a retarded idea: https://zerocontradictions...ez-faire-is-best.

We ONLY support laissez-faire (bottom-up) eugenics.

And no, birth rates are NOT self-regulating:

15. No, the proposals do NOT contribute to dysgenics. Not just anybody can have children. Only people who meet the requirements (https://zerocontradictions...overpop-solution) can have children. That's how the system decreases dysgenics.

This is why we have to tax reproduction: https://zerocontradictions...on-tax-necessity.

Hopefully that answered all your questions. You never would've asked them in the first place if you spent more time reading the FAQs, but at least you argued in good faith.
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posted by Nigger stepper on July 4th, 2023 at 11:18PM

"I’m of them"?
You sound gayer every passing minute.

And you DONT have a life. If you did, you’d be decent. The things men can do (including fighting in wars) just because they’re too pussy to get their shit together irl is disturbing. No sympathy for you.