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posted by jenni on December 20th, 2014 at 9:37PM

Unless you buy your meat from the nicest farmer at a market or your local hunter I think its safe to say factory-farmed poorly treated creatures are the norm. Now the question of how can one not consider animals under the NAP comes to mind...
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posted by dennisn on December 20th, 2014 at 9:48PM

Animals don't have rights. They don't have the cognitive capacity to articulate them, or respect them for other creatures. If they did, your cat, for example, would be a serial killer. (Okay, maybe not your cat -- she would merely be an accomplice to serial murder, but my cat would definitely be guilty of murder -- for "murdering" mice.)

posted by jenni on December 20th, 2014 at 10:11PM

But as a being that is capable of cognitive reasoning how can I dismiss the fact that I am destroying/killing things for my own selfish reasons? I don't need cheese to survive but I really want it; what if another person is deeply in love with all animals, am I not hurting that person somehow by killing these creatures they love?

(The only crime my cat has committed is that of being too cute)

posted by dennisn on December 21st, 2014 at 5:32AM

You shouldn't dismiss the fact of unecessary suffering -- nevertheless, it's not a violation of the NAP. Violations of the NAP (ie. anything immoral) can be justly stopped with violence. If killing animals was a violation of the NAP, meat eaters should be forced into jail or killed. All carnivores would be violators.

Your addition of the word "selfish" in "selfish reasons" was irrelevant. The intentions behind an evil act are irrelevant. Ie. killing someone "selfishly" versus "altruistically" is equally evil.) Moreover, you seem to be contributing to the smearing of the word -- there's nothing wrong with selfishness. It's a noble thing, actually.

Cheese is also a grey issue. It can be gotten without cruelty.

Hurting someone's feelings is not immoral. Even though the sheeple do confuse it as such, in their retarded justifications for "hate speech" laws and "obscenity" laws, etc.

Your cat is participating in the cruelty of countless animals (fish / whatever else they put in that food), albeit ignorantly. You are helping fund it, and she is participating :s. Cats really confuse me. I really want to like them, but how is that possible when you realize that they are murdering innocent (and often young) birds and mice (who belong to families; who have parents that "love" them). Imagine getting to know one such little mouse, and then confronting the gruesome deed. And they don't even do it in a respectful way -- they torture their victims first. I've seen my cat fuck with a cute little mouse for hours.

posted by jenni on December 23rd, 2014 at 12:06PM

The NAP could be seen as yet another unconditional 'guidebook' (ie: the bible, the rule of law, etc) for how to live one's life, as opposed to just being able to be and be a decent human being.

The intentions behind an evil act can't be seen as irrelevant or as black and white as saying killing someone is bad regardless of intention, or the ignorance of perpetrating evil deeds under the guise of goodwill will never dissipate, imo. How to get that to dissipate is a whole other conversation...
Selfishness is a smeared word. Dismissing the self for the good of the collective/extrinsic thing may still be present in this young jedi :) (Don't tell anyone:)

Cheese. So much to say about cheese. It can be had without cruelty so why is that not the case? Why are people ok with behaving as they do in this video? Bad parenting? Bad social norms?

Cats are murdering cute little mice and birds but it is out of their control. They are ignorant to the fact that they are killing other creatures. Animals are like falling rocks. One could say the same for the ignorant people but animals don't have the capacity to reason and enlighten themselves. Or perhaps animals do have this capacity and they just don't care and they are laughing at humans who think that their species is the only one capable of cognition.

What do you mean "as opposed t by dennisn on December 23rd, 2014 at 7:54PM.
Would it be possible for peopl by jenni on December 25th, 2014 at 12:05PM.
I'm not sure what you mean by by dennisn on December 25th, 2014 at 2:02PM.