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posted by jenni on August 13th, 2012 at 6:39PM

Yes, but that was plagiarism, this is creative writing ;)
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posted by dennisn on August 13th, 2012 at 7:45PM

True dat. Plagiarism was the name of the game back then. I plagiarized an entire poem for a competition, and was number one. :D Oh the look of exhausted defeat on those other's faces :D.

I also remember plagiarizing something from a Roald Dahl book in a "creative writing" class -- a few paragraphs straight -- and the (hot) teacher caught it -- and the cunt brought me to her desk to ask me directly, and I said no, and that was that :P.

My favorite creative writing piece -- original creative writing piece that is -- was a romantic tale of knights and lots of sword fighting. It won no praises. In highschool my bubble to become a screenplay writer was burst when my english teacher said my wording was misogynistic.

Well, it's about time you started writing creatively :D.

posted by jenni on August 13th, 2012 at 11:27PM

I wrote two things in my lifetime that I actually wrote and enjoyed, one was an essay on genocide before 1900, I always liked thinking about the worst things possible, and one was a critique about a terrible teacher I had, obviously no one responded and she still teaches. I think I once wrote a poem, but knowing me it was probably stolen from Ginsberg ;)

posted by dennisn on August 14th, 2012 at 9:07AM

What did your critique say?

Its a long story but here you go!
posted by jenni on August 14th, 2012 at 9:01PM

Setting the scene:
Its 2008, An exquisite young lady with knots in her hair and dreams in her eyes walks into a color photography class thinking it will be the best class ever. Little did she know that the teacher wasn't really interested in teaching and hired a teachers assistant who was as lost as a little puppy in the streets. After a few weeks, of a 26 week class, this exquisite young dreamer started to realize that this class was only going to be good because it gave her access to a darkroom, which she misses dearly. So anyways, after the first class critique of each others art and the teacher telling this young lady not only what to do, but to change her project completely to suit said teachers interests, and not in a constructive criticism kind of way but a "your project is ok, but I think you should do this instead," after explaining to her that I had no interest in her idea, politely of course, she decided to longer give me advice about my work for the rest of the year. As for the other students being allowed to critique each others work, we were given about 15 minutes each for 10-20 photos, not much time at all for a very important part of an art students growth. That was problem number one. Then there were a few incidences that made me decide this could not be left alone. A demonstration done poorly made me ask the teacher to please redo the demo that the assistant had done too quickly and incorrectly, which I never mentioned, just that I felt it would be good if we as a class could see how to use big fancy equipment and expensive items again. The assistant proceeded to tell the teacher that I was not listening in the first demo and other things that made me realize this assistant lady was about 5 years old. So I decided to apologize to the assistant and told her that I was sorry if she felt like I was not listening but I assured her I was. The teacher proceeded to tell me that perhaps   I was the only one who needed another demo, so I decided to ask the whole class in front of these two 'teachers' if we all would like another demo, 75% of the class said yes. That felt very rewarding, I was helping my fellow trapped students. So the teacher had the assistant do a follow up demo in front of her and had to interrupt her several times to correct her mistakes, which would have stuck in our heads if not for this second showing. Then the assistant decided to never speak to me again, so again I tried to be nice and make small talk about anything not class related, I don't like being hated, and she never even looked my way sadly. Another time I had asked the teacher a question outside of class time, right after class when she was supposed to have what are called office hours, for students to come ask questions, and she told me that it was after class time and she would not answer me, so when I asked when can I since this is supposed to be your office hours, she said she wasn't sure because she had too much of her own work to do. In retrospect it was basically 2 ladies who didn't like me and decided to refute everything I said. SO basically I wrote all this to the head of the department and that's about it, until about 2 months ago when she walked into my work asking for cookies and realized who I was, she is a very nice person, just a lousy teacher. But I did get to spend a year printing my own photos and I adored it oh so much. I did have a superbly fantastic sculpture teacher at the same time so that brought joy to my sorrow.

The head of the department did by dennisn on August 15th, 2012 at 3:45PM.
NAda by jenni on August 15th, 2012 at 7:37PM.
Apparently I can write when in by jenni on August 14th, 2012 at 9:01PM.
Well written. Quite dramatic. by dennisn on August 15th, 2012 at 3:44PM.