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posted by dsk on November 23rd, 2011 at 9:13PM

>So, you gonna write your thesis collaboratively with your JS-fuck-buddies?

No, I ain't not not gonna write a thesis collaboratively lol.

It's a tiny example of why you're a dumb fuck who looks at 1998 as the standard by which all other ages are judged against, because he just so happened to grow in it. The golden age is over bud. While you squeegeed, the world moved on.

>I said *git*, moron -- not github.

Yeah I got ya. You said, 'git', I said github. Github is a pretty fuckin cool source code hosting service that caters to devs. It's pretty fuckin great. Carmack just released Doom3 source there. What a dumb fuck ...
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posted by dennisn on November 23rd, 2011 at 9:21PM

For the last time, I don't view the 90s as a golden age. If I see a good and innovative idea, I'll jump on it. JS simply isn't that.

I use github all the time too -- WITH GIT. Their website UI is simply an unimportant embarassing mistake, I figure.