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posted by Nylorac on March 19th, 2011 at 8:31PM

Well, people tweet similarly to how they update their Facebook statuses.   This is a good reason why so many people synchronize their Facebook statuses to their Twitter accounts.

You may not personally want to tweet anything, but it's now a medium for communication that is widespread, so it may be of interest to you to create an account and follow anyone whose tweets you may find interesting, or occasionally search tweets when an event occurs.   For example, when the quake hit Japan, doing a search on related tweets would have yielded the pictures and videos of the events faster than any google news search.

As for RSS, I use Google Reader and another application on my phone to follow yours and other blogs I find of interest.

You didn't ask, but I feel that it is worthy of mention that I *could* setup my blog to tweet every new post I put up.   I just don't.   I *do* tweet every place I "check-in" to .. because I never did have any particular respect for my own privacy.

I asked if you would use Twitter for no other good reason than curiosity to see how adept you are with today's latest greatest social media.  

Besides Facebook, are there any that you use?
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posted by dennisn on March 19th, 2011 at 9:01PM

I really hate the idea of a centralized service -- unless it's spectacularly well-principled, in which case I would still mildly dislike it at best. I really hate Facebook -- it's centralized nature pressures the use of crappy technology (JavaScript, Flash, Advertising, Anti-RSS) and censorship (ie. my group wasn't allowed to exist). I only use Facebook as a crappy people-directory -- not really for communication or expression.

There is nothing that Twitter can do that RSS can't. (Well, I suppose it can censor, which RSS can't.) If it can be read by my RSS reader (which is absolutely trivial to do, assuming the website developers aren't assholes), I guess I might add a few feeds (probably only the aggregate feeds -- like most-popular), but I doubt anyone respectable actually uses it exclusively (and doesn't have an RSS feed).

The latest greatest social media is Freenet. It's the best truly free and open medium in existence.

posted by Nylorac on March 19th, 2011 at 9:34PM

The fact that it can be used as a medium for international news doesn't peak your interest even remotely?

I agree with you points.   I'm not interested in subscribing to twitter shitters.   I'm not trying to find another place that just does what another   tool does.   I find it has a unique, even if not perfectly defined, purpose.  

Censorship is upsetting.   Should the time come, I'd rather go up in arms than be silenced.

posted by dennisn on March 20th, 2011 at 10:56AM

The reason you can't find a unique purpose for it is because it doesn't have one. RSS already does everything Twitter can, as far as I can tell. The only difference is that Twitter is centralized. If there was someone interesting who Twittered but didn't RSS, I might grudginly consider it, but I just can't see that happening.