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posted by dennisn on January 27th, 2009 at 12:22PM

Yeah--I feel really bad for having voted Conservative. (They are waay more socialist than anyone carrying the name conservative ought to be). I think I'll also not vote in the next election, unless there is at least a Libertarian candidate--and even then I'd feel a little guilty. It just really pisses me off that retards like Driusan will get their communist wet dreams, and then years later, inevitably, start crying to me about government incompetence and oppression and how they only had good intentions in mind.

And, really, it is the right thing to do. Just look at the retards down south, swinging between what are essentially the same two fucking parties, each one, cyclically, washing away the sins of the other. And most people feel the system works! Most god damn mother fuckers actually *believe* in Obama. (Because they have allowed themselves to compromise on what they feel is right.--That is the root of evil.--Ordinary people, millions of ordinary people, doing slightly evil things, for whatever reason--in the case of Obama, they rationalize it by assuming at least they're not doing Bush-evil... and in so doing, partake in Obama-evil... and evil thrives.)

I guess I'm satisfied. One down.

Who's next??
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