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posted by dennisn on August 11th, 2008 at 11:04PM

No. It appears to be a problem with the ".story .body" or ".story" css rules. maybe the clear or width rule.

Link | Parent


posted by rick on August 12th, 2008 at 2:01AM

Almost fixed. Now only some of the "Reply | Edit | Parent" blocks have that problem.


It seems to show up under stories in the main page, stories when you view comments, and the first comment in a thread when you click on a comment parent.

Oh, and footers are messed up in the same way too, but only on the main page and wiki pages, and not on the comment pages.

While we're filing bugs, comments seem to be cut off on the right hand side. It's most evident when viewing deep comment threads.

posted by dennisn on August 12th, 2008 at 11:49AM

Regarding the deeply-nested comments, it has always been a problem, except now it's more pronounced since the content section has been reduced to about 50% of the width. I think we should reduce the indentation of comments, and/or only display the first 10 or so levels, and only show the titles for the rest.

As for those other width-css-errors, it would appear that the "solution" is to add an explicit "width: 100%" to those squashed sections. I'm not sure why this would be necessary, or what IE thinks it's doing -- but it certainly smells fishy.

posted by dennisn on August 12th, 2008 at 12:13PM

Aside from those additions that DMAC already made, I added (to svn) them to the footer and commands classes. I'm still curious as to reason for this problem.