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Ancaps Support Slavery
posted by sleepy-sniper on July 16th, 2023 at 7:32PM

> This (slavery) is exactly what you're doing today.

That's what Ancaps will do to the entire planet if they ever seize power. I guarantee it.
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posted by dennisn on July 16th, 2023 at 9:43PM

The core of being ancap is the respect for other people's differing preferences - something you seem to be woefully incapable of doing. It's the respect for consent, and opting-out.

> I guarantee it.

You can guarantee the future, eh ;). More Dunning-Kruger. More insanity. More clown.

But yea, of course, this is the typical boring foundation of all you commies - you delude yourselves into believing your specific form of fear porn, you convince yourselves that REAL doom is imminent, and thus a "temporary" abdication of otherwise civil norms are called for, just to avert 100% VERY REAL *GUARANTEED* worse disaster, of course. You commies have no idea how insane you sound to sane people. Literally like those bums to wobble drunk on urban streets confidently muttering prophecies and such.

Ancap Drug Cartels
posted by sleepy-sniper on July 17th, 2023 at 1:50AM

There are lots of memes on the Internet about how Ancaps will have human trafficking, child slaves, McNukes, etc. Some Ancaps joke about having those things, but they really aren't joking.

If Ancaps ever achieved their pipe dream fantasy, the reality is that they would be fighting and killing each other over claimed territory, until one of them finally topples their enemies and establishes a monopoly over the territory, just like how Afghan mujahideen warlords fought each other until the Taliban conquered everything, China's Warlord Period, or how drug cartels settle territorial disputes in Mexico. Polycentric Law is impossible.

posted by dennisn on July 17th, 2023 at 8:10AM

> There are lots of memes on the Internet about how Ancaps will have human trafficking, child slaves

You're repeating yourself, stuck in a loop. You didn't understand my point - your fear/ideology is based on the incoherent idea that the people who care most about consent will be less likely to respect it, compared to those who are already eagerly calling for violations of it.

> McNukes

Will your King George outlaw nukes? Or nukes for thee but not for me? Maybe outlaw nuclear energy too? Lots of environmentalists say the negatives outweigh the positives. So many unanswered questions for your king.

> but they really aren't joking [about being okay with child slavery]

You are a clown, you can't be taken seriously. But yea, like I said, ofc you commies have to do this, you have to dehumanize your enemies in order to rationalize their enslavement/murder. Obviously if me and Riya are okay with child slavery we have to be brutally stopped asap.

> If Ancaps ever achieved their pipe dream fantasy, the reality is that they would be fighting and killing each other over claimed territory

There you go, so we have to be enslaved today to prevent this INEVITABLE OBVIOUS GUARANTEED future. Me and Riya will be killing and fighting each other over borders - we're just that retarded and violent - we're such stupid fucking animals that we need your benevolent ubermensches to "subdue" us.

> until one of them finally topples their enemies and establishes a monopoly over the territory

Mhm. The people most worried about monopolies, the people who care most about opt-out options, will implement a non-opt-out monopoly. You clown.

> just like how Afghan mujahideen warlords fought each other until the Taliban conquered everything

Right, because crazy mystical child-beating non-consent-respecting are basically the same as hyper-rational hyper-consent-respecting ancaps. Clown.

> Polycentric Law is impossible

Okay clown. I guess we have to be enslaved then. We can still be friends though!

(I'm assuming you don't want sharia law at the mono-center of your law ;). Or any of the various ancient aboriginal legal systems ;))

Dennis is a Liar
posted by sleepy-sniper on July 17th, 2023 at 6:24PM

I've always been pro-nuclear energy, but regular civilians have no need for nuclear weapons to defend themselves.

> We (ancaps) will be killing and fighting each other over borders

Yeah, you will. You don't believe it, but that's exactly what will happen. Anarcho-Capitalism = All-Out War

> Right, because crazy mystical child-beating non-consent-respecting are basically the same as hyper-rational hyper-consent-respecting ancaps.

Oh, right. You'll have an imaginary world where everybody agrees with you and does exactly what you want to happen without any force. How exactly do you expect to ever make this happen? You're such a clown.

> The people most worried about monopolies, the people who care most about opt-out options, will implement a non-opt-out monopoly.

You can't guarantee that the political corporation CEOs will provide "opt-out" options. You're just hoping and imagining that they will.

> To clarify, you're better than us, right?

I never said that.

Without population control, I would have as many children as I possibly can, because why the hell not if I can get away with it? Just like how BG has 5 kids and many more via sperm donation. There are even people who have had literally HUNDREDS of children, and they won't stop unless governments force them to, because reproduction is a free-rider problem:

> Do you have any explanation for how homo sapien managed to maintain a breeding rate of ~2 offspring, since the dawn of time?

Yeah, in Europe, it was by disease, you dumbass. In the pre-Columbian Americas, it was tribal warfare: https://zerocontradictions...s#tribal-warfare

> maybe make them wear some kind of insignia on their arms to signify if they're allowed to breed

Stop strawmanning me, retard. I only ever proposed licenses, NOT insignia.

> Dennis is a Liar Projecti by dennisn on July 17th, 2023 at 7:09PM.
Dennis wants to abduct children by sleepy-sniper on July 17th, 2023 at 8:03PM.
> you just want to be a violen by dennisn on July 17th, 2023 at 10:00PM.
>> When are you going to apolo by dennisn on July 17th, 2023 at 8:49PM.
Basic Common Sense by Lucifer on July 24th, 2023 at 1:31PM.
> Dude, you actually hate your by dennisn on July 24th, 2023 at 2:20PM.
Fix Your Phone Already by sleepy-sniper on July 18th, 2023 at 5:32AM.
Buy me a cheap used phone? by dennisn on July 18th, 2023 at 6:18PM.
[Poll] Cheap Used Phone? by Lucifer on July 24th, 2023 at 1:28PM.
> What's wrong with the phone by dennisn on July 24th, 2023 at 2:13PM.

posted by dennisn on July 17th, 2023 at 3:54PM

> we're such stupid fucking animals that we need your benevolent ubermensches to "subdue" us

To clarify, you're better than us, right? You're an ubermensch, wiser, smarter, just better overall? Or are you also too retarded to breed properly, and you need someone to meter that for you? And you're too retarded and malicious to be allowed to emborder land, so you need a better man to manage that for you? Maybe Axolotl?

Do you have any explanation for how homo sapien managed to maintain a breeding rate of ~2 offspring, since the dawn of time? (When couples had 10+ kids, that was to compensate for most of them not making it to adulthood, only ~2 survived to breed.)

And obviously native indians, the Mohawks the Cree, the Iroquois etc will all have to follow King George's rules, right? The Inuit too, right? And all the muslims in the world. Obviously they're all wrong, and so are all their customs surrounding land management and breeding. Jews too, right? You will require them to submit to George's breeding rules - maybe make them wear some kind of insignia on their arms to signify if they're allowed to breed or something?