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Natural Resources Strawmen
posted by sleepy-sniper on July 16th, 2023 at 11:25AM


That article doesn't confirm whether Helium has been brought to Earth yet, nor does it confirm that it would be cost-effective to do this on a much larger scale.

> Dunning-Kruger.

Please elaborate.

> And obviously it's ALL YOUR shit, it all belongs to YOUR tribe, not my tribe. Obviously.

Strawman Fallacy.

All you've been doing this entire time is complain, complain, complain about how you *think* government can be abused. Those are arguments that a government should reduce corruption, not arguments against the existence of government.

So you haven't given any arguments against the existence of government, nor have you given any suggestions on how to reduce corruption within a society, with respect to optimizing the outcomes the Societal Prisoner's Dilemma and overall prosperity of Humanity.


Interesting. But does that article say anything about the cost-effectiveness of doing this on an industrial scale? I don't think so.

> You're a waste of time.

If it's a fact that I'm too stupid to understand your arguments, then you're wasting your time.

If you're just being mean, then it's counter-productive.
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posted by dennisn on July 16th, 2023 at 11:35AM

> That article doesn't confirm whether Helium has been brought to Earth yet, nor does it confirm that it would be cost-effective to do this on a much larger scale.

No shit. It confirms that you have no idea what you're talking about, about resource management, etc. This is exactly why that other guy who bet that the Earth was overpopulated and would run out of resources was wrong - failure to imagine the infinity of possibilities of the future, the unimagineably complex market of human interactions and ingenuinty. It takes a real simpleton to think that he has any grasp of even the slightest sliver of this. A real Dunning-Kruger.

> Dunning-Kruger.
> Please elaborate.

Lol. You expect me to read your anti-laconic walls of text on your personal blog, but you can't be bothered to google a common term. Sure, I'll help you out, again. It refers to dumb people who are confident they know shit - ie. the dumber you are, the more confident you are. Sound familiar? Can you think of anyone who is SO CONFIDENT about ... human mating, about minerology, about physics, about resource management, that he thinks he can rule over the entire planet (probably universe - ie. obviously king george needs to regulate moon mining too, obviously. obviously he's his tribe's moon, right)?

> And obviously it's ALL YOUR shit, it all belongs to YOUR tribe, not my tribe. Obviously.... Strawman

You can't just fucking say that you moron. What's the strawman?

> Those are arguments that a government should reduce corruption, not arguments against the existence of government

What you call "government" is more honestly called "a violently imposed non-contractual form of planetary (at least) enslavement, with no opt-out option". The argument against that is multi-pronged -- it is literally the definition of evil. More practically, it will OBVIOUSLY lead to corruption, since it will tend to attract the scummiest of people (Ron Paul was a super rare exception). Most sane healthy people would feel too disgusted to try to enslave their fellow men.

> nor have you given any suggestions on how to reduce corruption within a society

There is only one solution - convince the mobs that slavery is wrong, and hurts their own genetic interests in the long run. We have a long way to go, since you're still pushing for violent slavery. (you fucking creep, you still have the balls to tell me if i can/cannot breed!?!!?)

> with respect to optimizing the outcomes the Societal Prisoner's Dilemma

There is no "dilemma", Kruger.

> and overall prosperity of Humanity.

That phrase means nothing. Your brain is broken, stuck in a broken meaningless loop, designed to make you impotent, to not seek revenge for the wrongs done to you in youth.

> If it's a fact that I'm too stupid to understand your arguments, then you're wasting your time.

"There's someone wrong on the internet" meme.

More Counter-Productiveness 2
posted by sleepy-sniper on July 16th, 2023 at 7:34PM

> You're dumb

If it's a fact that I'm too stupid to understand your arguments, then just you're wasting your time.

If you're just being mean, then you're being counter-productive.