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posted by Riyaffs on September 21st, 2022 at 7:14AM

Man I'm nervous. Posting on another person's blog. It's like switching channels on somebody else's TV. Or putting your furniture in their house. Yesterday was a brave day for me, I risked my stupid job and shelter from my shitty family. See if you're not ready to risk it all for your souls sake, you're gonna keep half living, or living as someone else. I wonder what other people are like on drugs. I don't remember the name of the site Dennis had linked. I still can't figure out completely how I'd like to live. Way too much thinking for an event that'll last, what, like 80 years or so. Getting old and weak sucks. Getting old and weak is inevitable. But when I'm old and weak, would I have regrets for not having gotten a shitty university degree? Or not having had plans at 23 to make more money? Will I wish I had sucked my bosses' dicks better? Doubt it. I don't mind having to start over just so my soul will be less dirty from the kinda work I do. Will I regret having spent my life as a society-approved bitch, a degree holder in medicine, a boring, zombie rich husband who'll hit my kids on occasions, to tame them and to make them also society's approved bitches? And wear society's approved clothing, dress the opposite of how I feel, survive on small talk and eventually, at some point, medications, just like my mom. Yes definitely. I don't wanna end up like most old people. Kinda depressing thinking about life and death, and how little time I have to live and how hard it is to live free and honestly.
I never felt like other kids when I was a kid. It feels like being put on another planet and now you don't know what the fuck is going on over here. Why? Why was I put here? I don't understand them, the things they do. Why do they do them? Why are we on the same planet? How can we be the same species? Why is it that you're given the gift of life and your perfectly working senses and a cool brain, but its all a waste to be honest. You're a cool, creative person, you wanna live, you wanna create, you wanna share the experience you're having living as a human, it's a beautiful place on earth where you're living. Life is beautiful, and yours to live. Why must a fellow human meddle with it? No it's wrong. You mustn't fuck with somebody's right to live. Man...Shanu has been worried about me I think, I need to make it up to him a little bit because I haven't exactly been very good lately have I? How much can one write/vent anyway? Bobby is looking cute af like always, he gets horny and creepy at night. He wants to get me drunk next. Not happening, kiddo. Cute kiddo anyway. Very shy, sweet fuckboi.
So...about being outcasted, being outcasted sucks, it's life threatening. And why must your life be threatened for living differently/freely? What is love anyway? You must respect the individuality and the God/nature given right of your loved one to live freely and as themselves. If you're in love, you don't feel the need to be somebody other than you, when you're loved, you're heard and seen and acknowledged and liked. And you are owed the respect of being a sovereign person by everybody, not just your loved ones. But love? Love feels better. Do you feel any of these things with your family, your so called husband/wife? With your friends, fake are you in life? How long do you spend not being yourself and with which and how many people? How do you make your living? Are you hurting others, or helping them? There's many layers of slavery and harm in your life. Making a living hurting other humans is very very fucked up. Stealing/stepping on the rights of your fellow humans to live freely is very punishable. Are you ready to bear the consequences of your crimes? Don't dig yourself a deeper hole. Honesty is freeing alone. Apologies are also therapeutic, they set you on the path for redemption, on the path of being human again. Okay bye laters
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The future is rosey
posted by dennisn on September 21st, 2022 at 11:12AM

> The site Dennis had linked:

> Would I have regrets for not having gotten a shitty university degree?

> [Would I have regrets] not having had plans at 23 to make more money?
Slightly but not really

> Will I wish I had sucked my bosses' dicks better?

> Will I regret having spent my life as a society-approved bitch?

> Why do [the aforementioned society-approved zombies] do what they do?
Fear of being excluded from the herd.
Malicious greed for mo' money, masked as mental retardation.

> How can we be the same species?
Our differences with them are very subtle - just a bit more appreciation for truth/logic.

> Why is it that you're given the gift of life and your perfectly working senses and a cool brain, but its all a waste to be honest?
For most of our genetic evolution, we didn't have a pre-frontal cortex - a higher-level brain - to care about morality/truth. We just cared about resource acquisition and reproduction.

> Why must a fellow human meddle with [our beautiful lives]?
To get a fitter mate, to ensure competition in breeding which ensures *genetically* healthier offspring.

> You mustn't fuck with somebody's right to live.
This appeal only works with people who have a functioning pre-frontal cortex. O_O. My sister et al are effectively lobotomized.

> Bobby is looking cute af like always, he gets horny and creepy at night.

> Being outcasted sucks, it's life threatening.
It's interesting how this is kinda like a fundamental need, like hunger, but so much more subtle and invisible and not properly acknowledged. Like, my sister et al would never directly say that they're siding with the status quo, with evil, with slavery, because of this deep need as a social species, the terror of being outcast.

> What is love anyway?
Our emotional reflex to virtue. (Pho and her super-cute white blue-eyed bf asked themselves this in a recent stream, and they both had super-awkward answers :P. Even though they were aware of Moly's.)

> Love feels better.
Love feels better than being "in love"? Wdym?

> How long do you spend not being yourself
Essential question! ^

> How do you make your living? Are you hurting others, or helping them?
Another almost universally overlooked question! Also "are you helping or hurting evil people (supporters of evil)?"

> Making a living hurting other humans is very very fucked up.
This reminds me of how (more explicit) gangs work. They often force new members to do something evil, to get their hands (souls) dirty, to create a stronger bond (blackmail leverage, need for protection, destruction of the soul and concomittant alienation from moral people, etc)

> Are you ready to bear the consequences of your crimes?
Di? I hope you're ready to bear them. You have made your choice crystal clear. You knew what was at stake, you knew what you were doing.

> Honesty is freeing alone.
I wasn't able to convice my sister (Di) of this. Oh well, I tried.