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Life of Pi
posted by cadia on April 17th, 2013 at 1:39AM

Why I liked the Life of Pi

I feel it was a good story.   In my opinion.   A good story usually has a theme and Life of Pi had a general theme about pushing boundaries.   More specifically about the unexpected things one would do from hunger.   I found the main character to be likeable.   He was encouraged to pursue his interests in his youth, especially and perhaps unexpectedly by his parents.   He showed determination and strong will in subduing his taunting classmates.   I thought it was a courageous story of survival.   It brought to light the "sensationalism" of story telling and what people "want" to hear vs. "the truth".   Of course, the movie had visual appeal with cool (cgi) graphics.   I think it had an interesting and unexpected ending.   It makes you think.   These all being things that would make up a good movie, no?

It meets your imdb rating criteria of a "good movie" :)


posted by dennisn on April 17th, 2013 at 6:46AM

99% of the movie was him on a boat, pointlessly moving around, and zooming in to the tiger's CG fur. Are you aware of that? And that your entire post and the basis of your positive review is based on the 1% before/after this? There might have been 5 minutes of story before and after this, but it was extremely shallow -- absolutely no depth or character development. It started off by teasing us with the prospect of some kind of philosophical analysis of religiosity. And it did kinda do that, in the most superficial and nasty way: it basically tried to equivocate science and religion (fiction) as both equally valid stories, and asking which we'd prefer, and both characters preferring fiction over reality. Quite frightening! All the possible character development and teasing story-threads with his parents and his girlfriend were completely deleted the second the real movie started (the sloshing around for 2 hours on a boat with a video card). None of it was relevant for the bulk of the movie. And at the very end, the lame script tried to salvage some semblance of a story by revealing a TWIST -- ooooh -- that it was all just a fictional retelling of a real story about surviving a shipwreck. And, that probably would have been an infinitely better story, if it had real actors and a real script, something like Lord of the Flies, or Tom Hank's Cast Away, instead of high-definition (and 3d) lifeless mindless CG renders, who growled and bounced around for 2 hours.

It was a miserable failure of a movie.

But a very impressive video-card demo.

I gave it 4/10 on imdb. It was painful to sit through 2 hours of waves and a tiger bouncing around on a boat.