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Careful ...
posted by jess on December 1st, 2003 at 3:30PM

Abortion is a really touchy subject. I don't know how many times it's been a debate topic in high school but I do know that I've had to argue for both sides. From what I can remember, the arguments were something like this:

There are both pros and cons to abortion. However, they each apply to you only if you're within a certain situation. Please don't butcher my opinion on this. I'm only giving my own personal thoughts on the matter being that this is an issue that I belive is extremely sensitive.

/Case Scenario 1:/ Let's say you and another individual were involved in sexual intercourse. Things got out of hand and the girl becomes pregnant. So many teenage girls have gone through with abortion because they don't want to go through raising a child. Not only that, they're not even prepared for it. One night of pleasure cost them that much. In this case, I would think that having an abortion is wrong. If the couple was responsible, they would have thought about using protection or some other method of contraception. If they truly loved each other, they would have discussed the matter and made the decision on whether or not they were ready to bring a child into the world. So many factors arise when you have a baby because you now have to think about generating an income for the three of you, finding clothes and shelter for the baby, etc. If the girl wanted an abortion just because she wasn't ready, that would be her own fault. She should have thought about all the consequences *before* having intercourse.

/Case Scenario 2:/ A woman is raped by a man and she now bears his child. In this case, she didn't have a choice in the matter. She was taken by him and was forced to have intercourse. Should she choose to have an abortion, it would be ok. If the child was born and raised, it would have such a messed up life. The trauma that child would have to go through just to learn about his own family history, is enough to psychologically damange himself. As the child grows older, he may become troubled with his past life and fall into depression or get into trouble. Children generally look up to their parents as a role model. What sort of role models would you have if your parents were a rapist and a victim?

Human rights activits would argue that abortion is completely wrong no matter the situation. I would believe that it's more of the situation you're in. There's some other good points that were brought up in various debates but I can't think of them right now. I'll post later if I do.
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