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I, For One, Welcome our Tertiary-Industry-Working Blogger Overlords
posted by Driusan on February 7th, 2004 at 9:28PM

Current Music: The Cure - Prayers for Rain
Current Mood: http://www.misfortunate.o.../2/7/19368/27345 Sarcastic. ("You fool! That's not a mood, it's an intonation! An inflection! A method of articulation!" "Shut up, shut up SHUT UP!")

So I was going to the store today to buy some milk, I got some and it expires on Feb 19. But on my way back I heard this crunch under my foot and when I looked, omg, I accidently stepped on a twig and now it's ruined, ruined! But that got me thinking, it used to be one twig, and now it's two twigs, right? It's like it magically reproduced and I made something new. A whole new life, only without the whole getting laid part. That in turn made me think of how my sex life is like the rain, because, see, it's not raining right now.

Something about the Olson twins and a blackboard, too. And uh, pretend there's a few hundred more paragraphs of boring self-righteous musings here.



LOL!!!!!!!! [nt]
posted by jess on February 9th, 2004 at 6:08PM