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Gingerbread Houses
posted by pasofol on December 29th, 2003 at 12:45AM

I'm board so here's the link. Want a House?


A story
posted by jess on December 30th, 2003 at 5:07PM

I remember when my high school had a gingerbread house competition for all homeroom classes. My homeroom class was physics so our teacher thought we should do something that would display our awesome physics skills. So what does he come up with? We were going to build the White House. *shrugs*

Amidst all the icing to 'glue' the pieces together and trying to keep the gingerbread pieces to stand right side up, I was suprised we were even able to finish building it. Thankfully, it was in my OAC year when we did this so people who had their spares throughout the day would come by the room to work on the house.

The next day, they held the judging in the main hall of the school. Over half the entries were automatically disqualified. Why? They had used a glue gun to keep the pieces together instead of icing sugar! The winning entry ended up being this ugly block of gingerbread that used icing sugar to draw in the windows, doors, etc. Everyone else has used glue! My class was one of the culprits of glue usage. Oops ...