Conscription Facts - Conscription is slavery because it forces young people to fight in wars against their will. - If a war is truly worth fighting then there should be no need to force people to fight it. - The United States only had to draft in just five wars. - Every other time they have managed to rely completely on volunteers. - Out of the five wars that required drafting, the Civil War relied on a 98% voluntary army and WW2 relied on a roughly 67% volunteer army. - The Korean War military was half volunteer and half drafted; and WW1 and Vietnam both relied almost completely on drafting. - The trends don't lie: when the people of the United States feel that their nation is endangered, they will be willing to stand and voluntarily fight for it when they feel that it is necessary. - If the people feel that a war is not worth fighting, then they won't join. - What happens if a nation is endangered of falling and the people are not willing to voluntarily serve it? - In that scenario, it is most likely that the people have decided that the nation is not worth defending with their own blood. - Some of the people may even believe that they would be better off if the invading force took over the country. - Take North Korea for example, Kim Jong Un is drafting his own people into the military because he knows that if he doesn't, then many of the North Koreans will _not_ fight for the country because they believe that it would be better to live under the invading force instead. - The same thing goes for Nazi Germany back when it existed. - If people have to be forced to defend a country when they don't want to, it's probably a really shitty country that is being ruled by a tyrant.